This 3-day Hiroshima itinerary covers the best things to do in Hiroshima City, Miyajima, and other must-visit destinations in ...
Colorful, modern, and dynamic, Harajuku fashion is the reflection of Japan’s latest trends! But how did Harajuku fashion come ...
Miso Grilled Pork Chops And Pure Natural Shaved Ice: Must-Have Delicacies in Nagatoro in Chichibu, Saitama! Let us introduce you to the best of Japan through our free newsletter: sightseeing spots, ...
*This article was sponsored by Nagano Prefecture. Help us promote the goodness of Nagano by filling out this survey! What Sort of Place Is Nagano? Located in central Japan, Nagano Prefecture is the ...
Miyazaki Prefecture is one of Japan’s most underrated gems, located on the southern tip of Kyushu, where visitors can experience a perfect blend of stunning coastal landscapes, sacred shrines, rich ...
Catch a YOKOHAMA DeNA BAYSTARS game for an authentic taste of Japanese baseball culture at Yokohama Stadium! Make the most of your visit by exploring Yokohama's popular attractions before or after the ...
Geisha are one of the most captivating symbols of Japan. Their iconic appearance is unmistakable thanks to the elaborate geisha makeup, hairstyle, kimono, and more. Yet much of a geisha's lifestyle ...
工厂导览对家庭游客来说既有趣也富有教育性,且因大多免费,很适合预算有限的观光客们。日本旅游网站Jalan最近发起一份调查,询问日本民众最喜欢的关西地区工厂导览,榜上有名的有杯面 ...
This picturesque garden in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture is an exceptional example of an Edo Period (1603 - 1868) Japanese stroll garden, a garden where different views can be enjoyed one after ...
您或許曾聽聞:「日本人不會隨口說我愛你」,除了本身民族性較為含蓄外,您知道還有哪些原因,使得日本人不像台灣或歐美國家,時常把愛掛在嘴邊嗎?不善於表達「我愛你」的日本人,又 ...
即使您已造訪過大阪多次,但除了攻下觀光景點,在商店街各店鋪間流連忘返大啖美食,在百貨公司、土產店血拼購物以外,也許大阪還有不為您知的多層面貌值得您揭開。這回就要精選出幾個 ...