Molecule sends 13 of the 17 most common forms of this cancer-related protein to the cell’s garbage-disposal system ...
Researchers at multiple AViDD centers confirm that the NIH has offered a 1-year, no-cost extension, but it doesn’t come with ...
The shakiness of Latin American democracies has hindered this scientific progress as the world faces a massive, looming ...
Martinez is used to solving tough problems. He’s led the biocatalysis efforts at Pfizer for more than 20 years. He was ...
GC Therapeutics (GCTx) has launched with $65 million in series A financing and a technology that promises to improve the ...
Fernando Gomollón Bel es un químico y comunicador científico español, co-fundador de AGATA, una empresa especializada en ...
“We produced a liter of magnetic nanoparticles that facilitated thousands of tests,” Briceño says. It was a tremendously ...
Latine chemists’ dedication to their work, their region, and one another is inspiring. The global community should take note ...
Nativo do hemisfério sul, o argentino Luis Leloir recebeu o Prêmio Nobel ao elucidar as vias bioquímicas na síntese de ...
Researchers also noticed that the mice used as models for Alzheimer’s disease who were given stool transplants from healthy ...
A hallmark of this cellular engineer’s efforts is communication—among biological systems and with the next generation of ...
La historia de los científicos latinos es una historia de ingenio, donde cada generación también trae consigo una ...