As municipal and provincial regulations clamp down on Airbnb and other short-term rental operators, rent costs are dropping ...
Despite warnings that drivers should remain attentive, people behind the wheel of cars equipped with ‘autonomous’ assistance ...
Public transit systems around the country continue to struggle, with many facing service cuts without additional support. As ...
School drop-off lines are becoming longer and more isolating than ever. With more parents than ever before driving their ...
A terminal expansion plan for the Minneapolis Airport includes geothermal heating and water conservation measures, reports ...
The facility, which was completed in just 122 days, was rushed through so quickly, it is still missing environmental permits ...
A recent investigation reveals that profits from oil, grazing, and other uses on state-managed tribal lands are funding ...
The Norwalk City Council voted to extend a ban on shelter facilities days after receiving a warning from state officials that ...
A proposed public housing site in New Haven, Connecticut will bring up to 2,500 new units to a mixed-use complex adjacent to ...
San Francisco Mayor London Breed is calling for a doubling of the city’s goal to expand its homeless shelters in an effort to ...
Massive swaths of flat rooftops, garages, and surface parking lots go underutilized. They could be producing renewable energy ...
A study reveals that L.A. is a surprising hotspot for insect and spider biodiversity, with diversity driven more by proximity ...