Adrián Csiszárik will be our speaker at the following event: ...
In the next 25 years, more than 39 million deaths may be caused by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and 169 million deaths are ...
On the second week of September (9-15), 77 suspected cases of whooping cough were registered by GPs in Hungary, according to the latest weekly report from the National Centre for Public Health and ...
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On the first week of September (2-8), 81 suspected cases of whooping cough were registered by GPs in Hungary, according to ...
The 20th PIF is here! This real estate market is not the same as it was in 2005! It is mature, professional, prospering, competitive, transparent, flexible, tenant- and function-oriented. What will ...
Mr. Zombor Erdélyi graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest in 2010 with a degree in Economics and Mathematical ...
From 2016, he was the general manager of VM Medical Park Florya Hospital of Istanbul Aydın University for more than 3 years.
For a long time, artificial intelligence was a distant concept, then suddenly, it burst into our lives, with the potential to radically change not just technology but the business world. Where will it ...
She graduated as an agricultural engineer from the University of Agricultural Sciences in Debrecen and as an environmental scientist from the University of Szeged. Her previous research interest ...
A Portfolio által megkérdezett közgazdászok mediánvéleménye szerint 3,7%-ra csökkenhetett a hazai infláció augusztusban, az előző havi 4,1%-ról. A megkérdezett elemzők szerint a csökkenés elsősorban ...
Annak ellenére, hogy az uniós háztartások többet takarítanak meg, jóval kisebb vagyonnal rendelkeznek, mint amerikai társaik, főként azért, mert a megtakarításaik után alacsonyabb hozamot kapnak – ...