The <a href=" Ministry of Foreign Affairs handed over 74 cultural assets repatriated from the United States to the <a href=" ...
The Peruvian Government supports transport operators and has ordered to intensify operations in order to combat crime and ...
As part of his activities in New York City, <a href=" Affairs Minister Elmer Schialer on Monday participated in the 17th Ministerial Meeting of the Global Governance Group (3G) that met with G20 ...
Scientists from Japan's Yamagata University discovered 303 new geoglyphs during a 6-month fieldwork in Nazca Pampa, where the emblematic Nazca Lines geoglyphs (such as the Monkey and the Spider) are ...
The P<a href=" of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Tuesday participated in the delivery of 1,134 personal protective equipment items to the <a href=" Corps of Volunteer Firefighters of Peru (CGBVP) .
" Affairs Minister Elmer Schialer indicated that we live in times marked by unprecedented challenges that require people to move towards a new, more inclusive, and equitable global governance which ...
" Economy and Finance Minister Jose Arista affirmed that Peru is the country with the highest <a href=" Net International Reserves relative to its gross domestic product (GDP) in Latin America.
El Organismo Técnico de la Administración de los Servicios de Saneamiento (OTASS) transfirió más de 500,000 soles a la ...
El mercado inmobiliario en Lima Metropolitana ha experimentado un crecimiento sostenido en los últimos años, impulsado por la ...
La Policía Nacional ha dispuesto la creación de un grupo especial de 100 efectivos que se encargarán exclusivamente de ...
El Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo (MTPE) presentó hoy la nueva calculadora de beneficios sociales, durante el ...
El Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo (MTPE) presentó hoy la nueva calculadora de beneficios sociales, durante el ...