We recently compiled a list of the 20 Trending AI Stocks on Latest Analyst Ratings and News. In this article, we are going to take a look at where Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META) stands against the ...
A fresh reading on inflation Friday keeps the Federal Reserve on track to continue cutting interest rates this fall — likely ...
We recently compiled a list of the 10 Best Stocks To Invest In According to Billionaires. In this article, we are going to ...
(Bloomberg) -- Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s majority stake in Chinese hypermarket chain Sun Art Retail Group Ltd. is ...
由資深投資者「磁帶大王」陳秉志持有的中環中心66樓,新近獲該廈多層樓面的大業主星展銀行DBS以7億元買入,呎價25,958元。據知,上述樓層面積約26,967平方呎,現時由Regus香港辦公室空間租用,租約期至2026年10月,惟租金不詳。翻查寫字樓 ...
蘋果 iPhone 16 系列上市已經一星期,但因為出貨時間比往年短,這銷售成績未能令華爾街滿意。雖然這可能對消費者有利,但也可能反映這新機的需求比前代的產品低。 下載Yahoo財經APP 美股外幣即時報價 多國新聞任睇 ...
在內地救市「組合拳」刺激下,港股氣勢如虹,繼昨日以逾3,000億元成交勁升近800點後,恒指今日在期指結算日再以逾4,000億元破紀錄大成交額升穿20000點關口。 恒生指數 (^HSI) ...
曾於2009年金融海嘯時一戰成名的對沖基金經理泰珀(David Tepper)接受外媒訪問時稱,美國聯儲局減息令中國有空間放寬貨幣及財政政策,支持經濟力度超預期,原同時中國股票比美股便宜,並已全面買入大型科技股阿里巴巴 ...
What a week it's been for Beijing. China's leadership looks to be finally coming around to the reality of a faltering economy ...
在一些遭受重創的商店,Target為「容易被盜」的商品上鎖,包括肥皂、洗頭水、剃鬚刀,甚至襪子和內衣。Target行政總裁Brian Cornell在接受Yahoo財經訪問時表示:「我們都不喜歡把商品鎖起來,但我們希望店舖可以繼續營業⋯⋯」 ...
Chinese stocks are headed for the best week since 2008 as Beijing rolled out a huge stimulus package to revive the economy, ...