The majority of cattle were exported to South Africa, while smaller quantities of live cattle were exported to Angola, Botswana and Zimbabwe. The marketing of cattle and sheep decreased during August ...
Die Verkiesingskommissieforum vir SADC (ECF-SADC) het hervormings voorgestel wat ’n tydlyn insluit waarbinne verkiesingsuitslae bekend gemaak kan word.Die aanbevelings ...
Bank Windhoek has been able to raise N$407 million for its sustainability fund, its chief treasurer Claire Hobbs announced this week.The Bank Windhoek Sustainability Bond was issue As jy n aktiewe ...
Die Verkiesingskommissie van Namibië (ECN) het hom die gramskap van die Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) op die hals gehaal, met die party wat ...
Voorstanders van die universele basiese inkomstetoelaag, beter bekend as BIG, eis dat politieke partye moet sê hoe hulle Namibië in ’n meer regverdige samelewing ...
The latest study released by McKinsey and Company last week, entitled ‘Global Energy Perspective 2024’, indicates an expected reduction in the anticipated demand for hydrogen b As jy n aktiewe ...
Group, recently announced the conclusion of its wage negotiations with the workers' council. This marks the first t As jy n aktiewe intekenaar is en die artikel wys nie, meld asseblief af en weer aan.
Oor 93 dae is dit Kersfees en vir talle beteken dit ’n spesiale pakkie onder ’n boom vol liggies en linte met jou naam op. Vir menigte wees- en weerlose kinders in Namibië is As jy n aktiewe ...
The mining sector no longer single-handedly carries the economy, the latest gross domestic product (GDP) figures show. Instead, other sectors of the economy are aiding ...
The nuclear power industry is characterised by old, grey-haired men who are smart but not socially skilled, says Kgosientsho Ramokgopa.According to him, they sit in a corner ...
Thirty years after the end of apartheid, South Africa's economy remains deeply divided by race, spurring political debate on the extent to which its flagship black economic em As jy n aktiewe ...
In enige presidensiële verkiesing word enige uitdaging van die uitslag van die verkiesing, insluitend versoeke om verkiesingsmateriaal na te gaan met die doel om die verkiesing ui As jy n aktiewe ...