The Qualcomm Snapdragon X Plus-powered laptops, at least the ones I’ve seen, outdo most Lunar Lake laptops for battery life (though Intel’s new laptops still last more than a day). One ...
which have Intel inside. This doesn't mean you should rush out and buy an M-series Mac if you don't need or want one. I've got an Intel MacBook Pro doing great work in my other job, music ...
[We want] to make sure our customers or partners have the totality of the components that they need to build products with Intel inside … [and] to share our perspective on what we’re seeing ...
Intel Corporation makes higher profits than the world's ten biggest PC makers combined. This article explains how Intel used powerful marketing to turn itself into from a manufacturer of commodity ...
This week, host Eve Young, economics correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, interviews Intel's VP Startup Ecosystem Tzahi (Zack) Weisfeld, who also heads startup accelerator Ignite, and Intel ...