First published in 2017, PI’s Guide to International Law and Surveillance is an attempt to collate relevant excerpts from ...
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is developing a new legal standard to support decent work in the platform economy. Privacy International has submitted its ...
As negotiations of a UN treaty against cybercrime are coming to a close, Privacy International is concerned that, in its current, almost final form, the draft treaty ...
Anna was a long-time trustee of Privacy International, up until her term ended in September 2017. In recognition of her substantial contribution to PI, the Board of ...
We fight for a world where technology will empower and enable us, not exploit our data for profit and power. This means providing people with ways to take concrete action to protect themselves or ...
We are building a global movement. We are supporting civil society partners in countries across the world, who constitute our international network of privacy advocates and researchers. Together we ...
On Identity Day, PI with our global network of partners are launching Identity Crisis - our new campaign to change the narrative on identity systems. Around the world ...
The UK is sleepwalking towards the end of privacy in public. The spread of insidious Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) in public spaces across the country will mean we can no longer walk down our ...
A new examination of documents detailing the US National Security Agency's SKYNET programme shows that SKYNET carries out mass surveillance of Pakistan's mobile phone network and then uses a machine ...
This week we're talking about a backdoor inserted into a popular Linux file compression tool, which had the potential to massively undermine the security of vast swathes of the internet. What happened ...
This guide was designed for our partners across the world who want to see strong data protection laws in their countries. We identify some key points that they can use in their advocacy. This version ...