"To Make the Best Better" Welcome to the Calaveras County 4-H Program, we have approximately 300 youth enrolled in local 4-H programs and nearly 70 adult volunteers engaging youth in varied learning ...
Monterey County is recognized as the Salad Bowl of the World. Its temperate climate, rich soils, and unparalleled infrastructure make this the ideal growing area for cool season vegetables, wine ...
Soil moisture sensor selection. An extensive range of soil moisture sensors/probes have already been commercialized and are available to use in avocado and other orchards. They determine the real-time ...
Pick a bouquet of herbs in the early morning to retain flavor. Keep them in a vase and use them all week. Monitor soil moisture after rain and water if needed, especially for trees and shrubs.
UC Cooperative Extension will host the Delta Corn Field Meeting on Friday, October 11th from 10:00-11:30am, on Tyler Island in Sacramento County. The agenda is pasted below, and the attached version ...
Los productores de zarzamoras de la costa central de California podrán calcular el costo y potencial rendimiento de sus cultivos, gracias a un nuevo estudio que dieron a conocer recientemente ...
El UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (Programa de Investigación y Educación sobre Agricultura Sustentable de UC), conocido como SAREP, por sus siglas en inglés, anunció ...
La pérdida del estatus comercial preferente de China podría perjudicar a las exportaciones agrícolas, de lácteos y ganado El anuncio reciente de la administración Biden sobre un incremento a las tasas ...
It's not too soon to start thinking about fall garden clean-up. As days begin to shorten and temperatures begin to cool (fingers crossed!), the pace of gardening slows along with plant growth. But ...
Disaster relief funds are available to help growers recover from lost production due to extreme heat. Since 2021, the UC ANR Small Farms Network has connected small-scale farmers with over $5.8 ...