President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met in New York with the director of the International Monetary Fund, ...
At the beginning of his address, the president mentioned the meeting with the general director of "Philip Morris", about the ...
The Vienna gate will open on September 28 and bring cold polar air to Serbia again, meteorologist Ivan Ristić announced.
The Eparchy of Raška-Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church expressed deep concern and regret over the latest desecration of the ...
The Republic Hydrometeorological Institute (RHMZ) warned that the peak of waves on the Danube near Bezdan, Apatin and ...
Slobodna Bosna has once again attacked Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić only because he plans to award prizes to countries ...
Na svetskim tržištima cene nafte su porasle i prošle nedelje, drugu zaredom, jer se trgovci nadaju jačanju potražnje nakon ...
Predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vučić razgovarao je sa predsednicom Vlade Kraljevine Danske Mete Frederiksen na ...
Fudbaleri Crvene zvezde ubeležili su istorijski trijumf u 174. "večitom" derbiju savldavši Partizan na gostovanju rezultatom ...
Trener Anadolu Efesa Tomislav Mijatović iznenađen je što Džedi Osman nije nastavio NBA karijeru, ali nije iznenađen što je ...
Izraelska vojska saopštila je danas da je pogodila oko 800 ciljeva Hezbolaha u južnom Libanu i u dolini Beka na istoku Libana ...