The Government rejects the report on Hong Kong's academic freedom published by the so-called Human Rights Watch and Hong Kong ...
《香港國安法》實施後,香港居民繼續享有各項權利與自由,包括學術研究、文學藝術創作和其他文化活動的自由、發表自由、集會自由、結社自由等。《基本法》第137條列明各類院校均可保留其自主性並享有學術自由。香港居民可依法行使發表自由的權利,包括基於事實而對政 ...
Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong attends automotive supply chain meetings in Wuhan, Hubei ...
Financial Secretary Paul Chan wraps up his visit to Spain by attending an exchange session organised by the IESE Business ...
Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung attends a ceremony to see off the two giant pandas, An An and Ke Ke, in ...
創新科技及工業局局長孫東今日繼續湖北省武漢市訪問行程,上午出席由中國汽車工業協會和東風汽車集團主辦的2024中國汽車供應鏈大會暨第三屆中國智能網聯新能源汽車生態大會,以及國際汽車及供應鏈(香港)高峰論壇及2025國際汽車及供應鏈博覽會(香港)發布儀式 ...
Secretary for Justice Paul Lam continues his Association of Southeast Asian Nations visit in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
今日上午,林定國與越南中國商會胡志明市分會監事長孫國強會面,討論及探索兩地商機並了解當地商界對法律服務的需求,之後與越南香港商會副會長Fred Burke共進午餐,進一步了解越南營商環境,以及對跨法域法律服務的需求。
Secretary for Transport & Logistics Lam Sai-hung attends the Global Sustainable Transport Forum (2024), hosted by the ...
The Security Bureau holds an interdepartmental meeting to co-ordinate the management of passenger and vehicular flows at land ...