Secretary for Transport & Logistics Lam Sai-hung attends the Global Sustainable Transport Forum (2024), hosted by the ...
The Security Bureau holds an interdepartmental meeting to co-ordinate the management of passenger and vehicular flows at land ...
New “Cross-boundary Health Record” and “Personal Folder” functions in the eHealth mobile app will be applicable at three more ...
The 2024 final registers of electors for geographical constituencies, functional constituencies and Election Committee ...
位於山頂甘道23號的建築物是山頂其中一座現存歷史最悠久的歐式洋房,建於1887年,原設計作為豪華私人住宅,獲納入第七期 活化歷史建築伙伴計劃 的第二幢歷史建築。
The Development Bureau invites revitalisation proposals from non-profit-making organisations for Grade 1 historic building, ...
The Government publishes the consultation conclusions on promoting paperless corporate communication for Hong Kong companies, outlining the views received during the consultation, along with its ...
去年11月27日至今年1月26日的公眾諮詢期間,當局共收到九份來自商會、專業團體、公營機構等社會各界的意見書。回應者認同建議有助提升公司成本效益和營運效率,且可減省工序及達致環保營商。回應者也就引入默示同意機制、免除另行通知要求、加強保障股東權益等範 ...
The Department of Health says it will organise a walking challenge under the “10,000 Steps a Day” Campaign in November and ...