The study reinforces the need to take the environment into account when focusing on CVD risk prevention, say experts.
Referrals to cardiac rehab are too rare and risk factor control is poor, with striking variation between sexes and among ...
There’s still time for cardiologists to get involved: regulatory details are still being finalized before the GMC takes over.
In dueling perspectives, experts make their case for and against going with PCI before even trying antianginal medications.
When surveyed, many physicians said the belief that patients had adequate symptom control was why they didn’t add more meds.
Though a causative link remains speculative, interventions that foster well-being may be a way to make inroads into residual ...
Asian Indian and Filipino populations seemed to need the most improvement with regard to treatment time and medical therapy.
While awaiting more definitive RCTs, it would be reasonable to exclude the LAA in some of these patients, one expert says.
These RCT findings support safety and efficacy in 6 to 12 year olds, but there are many unanswered questions, one expert says ...
Of note, the update is endorsed by EACTS, resolving some lingering left main debate, amid lots of other revised advice.
Growing interest in the technology plus a novel tracer on the way may induce change in coming years, says Marcelo Di Carli.
A chronic disease that affects around one in 10 women of reproductive age, endometriosis can cause complications like ...