The female is a cow, while male cattle are bulls. Young female cattle are heifers, and young bulls are oxen. Castrated, they are called steers. Cows can’t produce milk without ...
Watch local students and groups recite the Pledge of Allegiance during 33 WYTV Daybreak between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. with Len ...
Doctor Jessica Caldwell, a neuropsychologist with the Cleveland Clinic says its possible vision loss could impact a person’s ...
Four million missed calls and about 432,000 fewer FAFSA submissions later, the Government Accountability Office says the ...
WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Johnny Cash is now enshrined on Capitol Hill joining historical figures from America’s past. An ...
WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — President Joe Biden made his last address to the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday morning.
Mahoning County Sheriff Jerry Greene has been ordered to appraise and sell the Chill Can plant and property on behalf of the ...
Side effects from cancer to treatment of cancer, such as pain, delirium, nausea, vomiting, debility, can also contribute to ...
“Oftentimes when they go to these extracurriculars, they have time between point a and point b. And with parent support between school and home, they could encourage kids to use that downtime, that 20 ...
(WYTV) — The prostate is a small gland in men that we need for reproduction. Cancer can invade it; we find it with a simple blood test and then we have a good chance of treating it. We screen for it ...